EMJ employees honored for servant leadership

EMJ employees honored for servant leadership

The Edgar M. Jolley Awards for Excellence recognize exceptional work within the EMJ family of companies. The “Jolleys,” named in memory of EMJ’s founder, are presented in three categories: Outstanding Performance, Outstanding Servant Leadership and Outstanding...
EMJ commemorates 50 years with anniversary meeting

EMJ commemorates 50 years with anniversary meeting

EMJ commemorated 50 years of service with a celebration and meeting for the entire family of companies last week. Employees of the EMJ family of companies gathered at the Gaylord Texan Resort, where the festivities began with an evening of dinner, games, photos and...
Celebrating 50 years: Above and Beyond

Celebrating 50 years: Above and Beyond

A message from Burt Odom, CEO & President, EMJ Corporation EMJ’s purpose and mission have evolved over the past 50 years, but we have always stayed true to our roots to go above and beyond. There are many stories passed around our organization that speak of...
Employees honored for Outstanding Performance

Employees honored for Outstanding Performance

The Edgar M. Jolley Awards for Excellence recognize exceptional work within the EMJ family of companies. The “Jolleys,” named in memory of EMJ’s founder, are presented in three categories: Outstanding Performance, Outstanding Servant Leadership and Outstanding...