Left to right: EMJ Chief Operating Officer Doug Martin; Austin Hatcher Foundation Family Service Coordinator Abriana Busbee; and Austin Hatcher Foundation President Amy Jo Osborn
EMJ team members collected nearly $2,000 in cash and gift donations for the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer during the month of December.
On Friday, January 12th, EMJ Chief Operating Officer Doug Martin presented the Foundation’s President Amy Jo Osborn and Family Service Coordinator Abriana Busbee with the donations at EMJ’s Chattanooga headquarters.
“The Austin Hatcher Foundation is a phenomenal organization that provides a unique service to those impacted by pediatric cancer,” said Martin. “On behalf of our people, we are honored to assist this organization in its important and life-changing work.”
The donations were collected through Hatch’s Giving Trees in EMJ’s Boston, Dallas and Chattanooga offices. Employees were able to choose an ornament from the trees and fulfill donation requests listed on the ornaments. Each ornament represented specific needs for children and their family members who receive services from Austin Hatcher. The foundation provides a variety of innovative services free of charge toward the mission of erasing the effects of childhood cancer and optimizing each child and family member’s quality of life.
Thank you to all of our generous EMJ team members who contributed to this worthy cause and demonstrated our company’s commitment to serving our community.
“EMJ got involved and then really got behind our efforts during the 2017 holiday season,” Osborn said. “And not only did their local office contribute, we also received donations from EMJ’s offices in Boston and Dallas. That was especially gratifying to see such support from outside our area.”
Read more about EMJ’s partnership with the Austin Hatcher Foundation and learn how you can get involved at www.hatcherfoundation.org.
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